
Scraping Tumblr

Today I completed a longstanding project to move my blog entirely over to Hugo. Previously, I maintained a blog on my consulting site, crome-plated that was powered by Tumblr. I used Tumblr to easily create content, and then I would pull that content into my own site, transforming it to look like native content. The content would often grow stale though, and I felt like it was putting a bad foot forward to prospective clients.

Friday Grab Bag

Happy Friday! Here’s a healthy dose of randomness to start your weekend: The iOS 11 update is pretty nice so far, especially for iPad users. However, the battery usage on my iPhone 6s seems to have increased significantly. Has anyone else noticed this? PostgreSQL 10.0 has been released! Check out the announcement. AOL Instant Messenger will be discontinued on December 15th. It’s the end of an era. The Perl Dancer Survey 2017 is online.

What have I been up to since 2015?

Since last I last posted something technical, I was between work opportunities and just getting involved with Dancer and the Perl community after a long time away. A lot has changed in that time, and I wanted to take a little time to share a bit about what I have been up to in that time. Joining the Dancer Core Team The thing that pleases me the most was having been invited to the Dancer Core Team.